Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Week one, post surgical..

Well, it's officially been one week since my tonsil and a piece of tongue was removed. Im still experiencing pain and require control for it.  I've lost some weight too, as a result of not being able to eat solid foods, save for the eggs I've been able to eat since a week ago.

I have gotten better at being on top of the pain, but sometimes, it creeps right up on me.  Its like, I'll be fine for a few hours, will swallow down water and there will be no pain-over a period of time.

Then all of a sudden, I'll swallow and its suddenly back w/o me really having noticed it.  

My sleep schedule is still a nightmare for me, because I am up at least two to four times a night adding more pain control, or clearing "the scar tissue, saliva, mucus, etc.." out of my throat. 

I've switched from our bedroom to our addition, sleeping on a very comfy air mattress (it really is a good model) since, I am now affecting Sheila's sleep schedule.  :(  

 It sucks for us both, but I need her to be able to function at her job and get there w/o falling asleep at the wheel. They need their leader. (She's the store manager)

I was able to enjoy 1/2 of a Carnation Instant breakfast drink this morning, and almost was completely successful w/o breakfast turning into a total coughing-choke fest. I needed a break from the Kellogg's Protein shake. 

 I need a break from the flavor that is French Vanilla too, before I come to dislike it for a long time.  Sheila is going to pick up some Chocolate flavored protein shakes for me on the way home from work.

I love chocolate and have missed it's sweet flavor. 

Tomorrow, I head back down to UVA for my post-surg follow up appt.  I'm going to need their help with more notes for Cigna. The Short Term Dis rep I've been assigned to, is killing me.  :)    

This asshole, made me speak on the phone the second day I was home from surgery, because I needed Sheila to call her. ( I couldn't really speak then, and still can't speak well at all, its a real burden.)

Sheila called, identified herself, gave them my social sec #, birthday, case #, where I work, etc..and that wasn't good enough. (Hipaa regulations are as sharp as a 2 sided samurai sword.)  

I had Sheila put her on speaker, so I could hear what she was saying. Sheila told "my representative" I couldn't speak hardly at all, and even trying to was painful.

I remember the rep said, "Well, I need to hear him say it's ok for you to talk to me.."   


What came out sounded like a cross between a broken dog toy that has about lost it's squeak, and a grunting Orc from Mordor.

Sheila could see the pain on my face, and jumped in with,...How's that?  You can hear he can't hardly speak, ARE WE OK NOW? OR SHOULD I PUT HIM THROUGH SOME MORE PAIN, SO YOU CAN FULLY UNDERSTAND WHAT HE'S GOING THROUGH!?

She finally said it was ok, and then went on to say, Well, he's only covered through "X date still", so we need some more paperwork to keep his benefits extended. 

I don't get what these people don't understand about Cancer, tonsil removal as an adult, recovery, missing a piece of your tongue, etc...Oh, that's right, I forgot.

I'm to be raked over Cigna's fiery coals for a benefit I pay into every pay period and am entitled to as a Full Time employee.

*Just as a disclaimer, I am completely at ease with Cigna and their bullshit now.  Sheila and I know how to attack the situation and I have come to terms with their garbage, until I am out of this nightmare.

Thank you all again for keeping up with my blog. I hope you all have a great rest of your week. 

More tomorrow..


  1. I was going to call you but now I am glad I didn't. I'll keep getting my updates from here for the time being.

    Hope your throat gets better soon!

  2. Thanks man.

    Taking things one moment at a time, like you suggested.
