Saturday, July 14, 2012

The little things.

It's funny how we don't tend to notice the little things about life, when we go about our day to day routine. 


I really miss being able to drink water like the rest of you out there, and can't wait to be able to open a bottle and destroy it.  I wash my hands with cold water, because it feels good on my skin.  The sugar free popsicles are working great though. Sheila beats them into a pulp inside of a sandwich bag, pours them into a bowl, and the tiny pieces feel so good on my throat.  The soothing feeling is close to Heaven. 


I need to thank my Yoga teacher Ellie Moody again.  The breathing technique she told me to do (in through the nose, out through the mouth.) is helping tremendously with keeping me calm through the pain, and taking things slow.  

Also, breathing in through your nose, and out through your mouth actually helps to add Oxygen to your blood to promote the healing process, and also helps me focus when having to swallow meds, etc..

Before my surgery I couldn't really tell the benefit of this exercise.  Now I can, and am using my Yoga blocks to help get into position when I want to breathe and work on relaxing myself for a few min.

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