Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Slow and steady wins the Egg.

I am pleased to announce that I was able to enjoy my first small solid-food meal, since 11pm on July 10th.

Holy shit, that's a week ago! 

(Pre-surgery rules require no solid foods past midnight the night before you have surgery. Only clear liquids are allowed up until 2 hours before surgery. You may take a "chill pill'', or what have you, but with one sip of water only. This is pretty much universal..)

I really wanted to be able to get something solid down today, since the past 7 days my diet has consisted of the following..(I'll even add if it was a success or not in the swallowing department. The facility said I had no Dairy restrictions either, which I thought odd.)

Carnation Instant Breakfast drink. (FAIL, mucus inducer)

Sugar free popsicles Cherry and Grape flavored (Success!, but can't eat another one, EVER!)

Vanilla pudding snack pack (FAIL, mucus inducer)

Strawberry Jello (FAIL, just wouldn't go down right from the post surgical swelling)

Breyer's Vanilla Ice Cream (FAIL, mucus inducer) 

(How in the hell little kids PLOW through this stuff in the Hospital, I'll have never have an idea. Those little lucky bastards!)

Coke Slurpee 7-11 (Success!)

Real fruit frozen Strawberry bar (Success!)

French Vanilla Kellogg Protein shake (Success!, but had to work up to it, still can't finish a whole 10 oz yet.)

So, as you can see, some things worked, a lot didn't.  

Around 11:45am today, I decided to try eating a scrambled egg. (Success!!) 

I was actually able to get through half of it, before my throat lit back up like a road flare. 

I'll take any victory no matter how big or small. 

Breathing and patience are key.  I'm going to give mashed potatoes with evaporated milk in them a try for dinner.

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