Sunday, September 30, 2012

Tastebuds shutdown and a sunburn in the mouth.

I woke up again with a head aching.  Yesterday my tastebuds turned themselves off. 

We went to dinner at Panera and their yummy baked potato soup didn't taste like anything. 

I still managed to eat the entire bowl just about, had part of Sheila's grilled cheese with it too, along with a baguette of french bread. 

Also, I began to experience this pain I can only equate to what it would feel like, if you got a sunburn in your mouth.

It came upon me sometime in the middle of the day and will be something I'll have to get used to.

When I take a sip of water, it hydrates my mouth and feels good. A mere few seconds later, I feel this dry, burning sensation sweep across my mouth. It still feels somewhat wet in there, but the sensation is one I've never felt before. 

It's horrible.

Still experiencing patchwork nerve pains too. You already know how much fun those are, so I'll spare you the details.

29 more days, 21 treatments and a bag of chemo to go.

On a brighter note, an amazing friend sent me this amazing gift that arrived yesterday. I believe he hand studded this for me. It was such a nice surprise. I cried on the phone as I thanked him. 

I'm so lucky to have such amazing friends. 

Shirtless and in pj's as we were winding down about to watch The Avengers before going to bed. My skin has started acting up as a reaction to the radiation. The docs said its no where near the site Im getting the treatments, but I know my skin. It's real pissed off at the moment and itchy. Going shirtless is more comfortable for me at the moment.   

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